Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Algae Stencil

Yesterday I spent about 4 hours spraying 300 or so envelopes for the wedding invitation i'm working on. This is the first time i've ever done a full line of product in one sitting. I was exhausted at the end of it all. Today i took another crack at my mosaic fireplace. Which is the slowest process available to mankind. I am still not done. Plus I've run out of cobalt. I decided to wait and get more. In the mean time, I had a ton of white and pale icky green titles on my hands. So one thing lead to another and wouldn't you know, I ended up stenciling the tiles. Still have no use for them, but thinking about serving platters and small tables, coasters? maybe?

I got up at 8am this morning. Now its only 1pm. I've done so much, but now i'm bored, and have to sink into self loathing architect longing. Damn it erin taylor i want to see you! I'm trying to stay busy but there is only so much one woman can do.

1 comment:

artninja said...

Looks bad-ass, as expected. Don't make me shackle you to something to keep you in line, though *cougharchitectcough*